ever felt like things are a bit off? that’s where i was, back in 2020. covid was making the world go insane, and i felt a call from a higher power to look beyond the chaos. it was like unseen, evil forces at play in the world were revealed to me.

that’s when tento came into the picture. but it ain’t about slapping cool designs onto fabric to make some quick cash. nah, we’re here with a mission, to wake the world up.

everything we make has deeper meaning, a hidden message for those who are ready to see it – a symbol of awareness against the unseen forces that seek to control us.

so, who’s tento for? anyone who’s not afraid to question what’s going on. if you’ve realised what’s really going on and you’re sick of it, you’re in the right place. when you wear our designs, you’re joining a silent conversation with others who get it.

at tento, we’re not about meaningless conversations and bullshit. we’re all about sparking thought. we want to start conversations, provoke debates, and find out the truth.

what’s the dream? to create a community that won’t just agree with the norm. we’re not here to fight, but to empower – through awareness, asking questions, and refusing to go with the flow.

so, you in? wear tento, start a conversation, and join us as we defy the illusion.

remember, it’s hard times that create the strongest people.

peace and love,

laurence <3